Foot Crush Fetish

Hot girls crushing stuff under their sexy feet

Madame Marissa knew that her boyfriend was looking at her so she pretended that she was not aware of his stares and she ass crushed a model house. She did it in a sexy manner and her boyfriend did not say anything. He just wanted to replace the model house and be the one being sat on. When he could not watch any longer, he went and carried her to the bedroom and had him do those things to her.

This mistress was new to foot crush but she did not believe that there was any fun to be found in foot crushing using sneakers or flat shoes. She wanted to use high heels because they were sexier and more exciting. The mistress had to start somewhere so she started with food crush fetish. She had a great time crushing grapes today and when she was done, she trained her sights on something else.

Mistress Luna felt that her slave had outgrown his toys and she had to destroy them so that he learned to play with more accurate toys. In addition, the mistress wanted to test her new boots and she did so at the expense of the old toys. She crushed them and it turned out to be a fun thing and so she made it a regular thing to crush all over the house.

This mistress wanted to send a message and especially to scare the shit out of these guys so she flaunted her high heels and she got the losers to know that she was going to crush them with the same heels. She wanted them to be treated like the pain in the ass that they were. The mistress made it look like she would do it in the next few minutes and they got the scare of a lifetime.

Princess Serena knew that she had to use cans if she was to avoid crushing or making herself beat up a guy who did not deserve it. And that is why the mistress chose to crush cans and take out her anger on inanimate objects. It was fun for her and she had a great time and forgot the issues that made her angry in the first place and she went on with her day.

When this mistress was asked by her boyfriend to try new things and be a little bit spontaneous, the mistress knew she had to try something she had never done before. So she looked around and she settled on foot crush fetish as her fetish of choice. So she trampled her boyfriend and dominated him with her and she told him that was the new thing she was trying. He loved it.

Lady B has a thing for crushing and she does it any chance she gets. She likes to make time for it even when she is busy because she loves it and enjoys doing it from time to time. Today she was angry when she got home and she took out her stress on food. She took some hot dogs and she crushed them instead of eating them like she had wanted.

Madame Svea wanted to make sure this guy stopped having bigoted views and she did so using her foot crush fetish. She used her high heels and her boots to trample him. She made sure it was as painful as possible so that the next time he wanted to make such crazy remarks, he would think twice and not do it because of the fear of what would happen to him.

Mistress Anfisa was bought expensive sunglasses by her boyfriend and they were an apology gift. The mistress was still mad and nothing had changed. So she made sure she taught her boyfriend a lesson and she did so using her high heels by crushing the sunglasses while he watched. He was shocked and knew that he had to do a lot to get her forgiveness. It was not as easy as he thought.

This mistress was mad. She had lost out on a deal she had high hopes in and she took out her anger on a toy car she found in the house. It belonged to her nephew but she did not care at that point. She took out all of her stress on it by trampling it with her bare feet and by the time she was done, she felt better and took a long shower after which she felt ok.

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